RUBBERCOLOR a surface is completely smooth, without irregularities and can not be expeled by the foot; Upon entering and bounce, you'll get a completely different feeling perceived as having high shock absorption and right balance. It is accessible and safe for children and for people with special needs and mobility issues.
Traditionally, the playing surfaces are filled with ground, sand or grass and in the short term is impossible to maintain a flat surface, since the materials end up expelled or watered by the feet of children, exposing a hard surface of high risk to the safety of the wearer.
RubberColor is a product that complies all these needs, giving complete solution to all the above mentioned issues, plus aggregates such as their accessibility, quality and price value.
The ASTMF 1292 standard is the standard specification for the concept of "impact" of surface materials for playgrounds. CauchoColor surfaces comply this standard, as well as to the guidelines of the Committee on Safety of Consumer Products for Patios.
That is why RubberColor is fast becoming the best choice for public and private schools, parks, playgrounds, exercise, common areas, etc., as well as walkers, restaurants, swimming pools and much, much more ...